With the link below you find an online version of our platform.

Please put yourself in your customers place: Choose between Search and Offer and enter a search string, your location and your email address. In your spam filter please allow match@sintheo.de. Consider the platform as a sort of black board, which you might know from the entrance areas of merchandise stores for example.

You will be notified through email, in case a matching entry from another person exists. With the provided contact data you can than connect to the other person and clarify further details.

As operator of the platform you can utilize the provided informationen (here: email address, interests, location) and offer your customers parallel to their activities customized advertisment and further electronic services.

Please follow this link to the myjibe demo platform: www.sintheo.de/myjibe

The platform ist user-defined extendible and can be operated mobile.

We will not transmit your personal data such as email address or mobile number to third parties for advertising purposes. Your data will only be used for demonstration purposes and deleted afterwards.